Organic & Pure


For Your Body


100% Natural


What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic health and medicine system that Ayurveda considers the individual as a whole and emphasises the importance of personalised approaches to health and well-being. It recognises that each person has a unique body type and may require different treatments, diet, skincare and lifestyle recommendations.

The word Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit words - Ayur (life) and Veda (knowledge or science). Therefore, Ayurveda can be understood as the 'science of life' or the 'knowledge of life.' It is based on the principle that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and soul. 

Over 44 years of clinical experience helping you heal and support health concerns big or small.

Dr. Ajit has been guiding his clients with the wisdom of Ayurvedic health for decades, helping them achieve wellness through personal dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, herbal supplements and bodywork. 

His expertise drove him to pioneer and establish Ayurvedic Medicine in New Zealand, setting high standards of education and practice in its traditional form. In recognition of this, the New Zealand health industry awarded him with a lifetime achievement award. He is also highly respected for his logical Ayurvedic interpretation and his ability to correlate Ayurvedic Principles with Western medicine and is known for his skill in the diagnosis of health issues through techniques such as pulse diagnosis, tongue examination, iridology (enhanced by Dr. Ajit, based on Ayurvedic texts) as well as psychological, physiological and lifestyle factors.



   What makes Ayurvedic consultations unique and effective?

It’s patient-centric

We treat the person, not the disease. 

We look at the underlying, root cause of the disease

We never mask the symptoms, but instead work to heal and prevent so you don't have to keep taking medication.*

It’s bio-individual

Tailored to your unique DNA make-up (Prakruti)  

A tailored approach

We understand that everyone is unique.

It’s all natural

There’s no risk of side effects.

Receive self-knowledge

Personal advice you can use for a lifetime of balanced health by gaining insight into your unique body make-up.


*Dependent on individual health issue.

In a 1-hour consultation you'll receive:

Diagnosis regarding your current state of health using Pulse Point, Tongue Analysis and Iridology.

Guidance on how to look after your unique (doshic) body type.

Personalised dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Herbal supplements and bodywork to compliment your diet and lifestyle changes in alignment with your body type and current health issues.

Happy Clients.

Dr. Ajit has given us a much deeper understanding of how the foods we prepare and eat can nourish our bodies. We have a much greater appreciation of how hard it is for our bodies to stay healthy let alone balanced and our role in helping that process along. We leave with a clear headedness that is refreshing and a lightness of step that makes us happy and satisfied. With deep appreciation to the staff at Planet Ayurveda, we are just beginning on our journey to nourish our minds and bodies amid all the stresses of the world outside this sanctuary.

- Abby O'Neil & Dr. Carol Joynes

I have suffered from prolapse disc since almost 1.5 years. This time I had to go to the hospital and I was advised to get the disc operated. Found this heavenly place on google and met Dr. Ajit.

He guided us with various massage treatments and within 2 months and just 6 appointments, I could walk again without crutches. And not just small distance I am talking about up to 2 kms. My physio and the team of doctors at the hospital were amazed with my progress. I was given 1 year to recover but Dr. Ajit and his wonderful team at Ayurda did it in just 2 months.

My family and I are so grateful to everyone here who have helped making this miracle happened.

Lot of love - Kanika

Dr. Ajit helped me resolve a recurrent and deadly eye inflammation issue called as Uveitis. I suffered from this condition for 3.5 years.

My left eye would regularly inflame causing vision loss, floaters in the eye, pain, headaches and many more challenges.

The eye inflammation started impacting on my work and on my ability to drive.

Dr. Ajit provided a holistic treatment through a daily routine and eye drops. This helped me to combat my eye condition. I am extremely grateful for Dr. Ajit’s advice. He has given me my eyesight back.

- Vij. K

Dr. Ajit is amazing! He spoke to me about the real causes of my problems and gave me a program to follow that would help me eradicate my issues from the root. No western medical doctor has done that before.

Thank you and highly recommend Ayurda.

- Kriti. R

It was a relief to meet Dr Ajit and finally get a diagnosis for my symptoms and within a week I am feeling much more stable, calm and digestion settled. I also purchased Dr Ajit's book and can recommend this too.

- Rose. W

Dr Ajit is able to quickly detect upcoming issues as well as solve current ones.

We're lucky to have his expertise and experience to draw upon.

- Martin. B

Amazing massage and shirodhara. I feel so much better after seeing Dr Ajit and having these treatments.

He has also helped my son overcome bad eczema and breathing issues.

Can’t recommend highly enough.

- Kate. L

Highly recommended. Dr Ajit's knowledge and ability to empower you to support your own wellbeing is awesome.

Most grateful for this clinic.

- Michael. W

As a result of consultations with Dr Ajit and treatments at the Ayurda clinic/wellness center, my health has radically improved. Not only have some specific illness issues resolved but my overall wellbeing is steadily becoming stronger than it has been for a very long time.

This is “healthcare” as it should be.

Dr Ajit imparts a wealth of knowledge and advice with compassion and integrity and advice that is clear and understandable. His Ayurveda recommended regimens are practical and empowering as can be implemented in ones daily life ongoing.

- Ketana. S

Here's how you can return to good health:

Get right to the
heart of the issue.

Dr. Ajit treats more than just your symptoms by addressing root causes. Find out your personal body type and work with it to ensure you're giving yourself everything you need to live a balanced life. 

Move forward
with a plan.

Receive a personalised treatment plan based on lifestyle and dietary changes, herbal remedies, and Ayurvedic bodywork treatments to support your path to health, healing and supporting your journey.

Become a healthier,
better you.

Go and enjoy the things you love doing - without health issues getting in the way. Know what your body needs to stay in balance with the wisdom of this ancient preventative and healing system.


Don't let ongoing health issues impact your daily life. Move forward with self knowledge you can use for a lifetime of balanced health.

If you're ready to put your health issues in the past, book your consultation with Dr. Ajit today. 


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